
Revisiting Multi-Scale Feature Fusion for Semantic Segmentation


  • Tianjian Meng

  • Golnaz Ghiasi

  • Reza Mahjorian

  • Quoc V. Le

  • Mingxing Tan


    It is commonly believed that high internal resolution combined with expensive operations (e.g. atrous convolutions) are necessary for accurate semantic segmentation, resulting in slow speed and large memory usage. In this paper, we question this belief and demonstrate that neither high internal resolution nor atrous convolutions are necessary. Our intuition is that although segmentation is a dense per-pixel prediction task, the semantics of each pixel often depend on both nearby neighbors and far-away context; therefore, a more powerful multi-scale feature fusion network plays a critical role. Following this intuition, we revisit the conventional multi-scale feature space (typically capped at P5) and extend it to a much richer space, up to P9, where the smallest features are only 1/512 of the input size and thus have very large receptive fields. To process such a rich feature space, we leverage the recent BiFPN to fuse the multi-scale features. Based on these insights, we develop a simplified segmentation model, named ESeg, which has neither high internal resolution nor expensive atrous convolutions. Perhaps surprisingly, our simple method can achieve better accuracy with faster speed than prior art across multiple datasets. In real-time settings, ESeg-Lite-S achieves 76.0% mIoU on CityScapes [12] at 189 FPS, outperforming FasterSeg [9] (73.1% mIoU at 170 FPS). Our ESeg-Lite-L runs at 79 FPS and achieves 80.1% mIoU, largely closing the gap between real-time and high-performance segmentation models.