
Meet a better way to move

We’re on a mission to be the world's most trusted driver. Making it safer, more accessible, and more sustainable to get around — without the need for anyone in the driver’s seat.

Hardware illustration. Car manually driven.

認識 Waymo One


  • 24 小時


  • 營運範圍涵蓋多個城市

    Ride in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Phoenix. Austin and Atlanta coming soon.

  • 無與倫比的優異體驗


  • 符合永續發展精神的移動方式

    Fully electric, making roads safer for pedestrians and cyclists.

不同使用者選用 Waymo 乘車服務的原因

Waymo 相當便利、注重安全,且致力實踐永續發展理念,是我至今最喜歡的交通方式。

Eva, San Francisco

如要掌握 Waymo、我們的技術和後續計畫的最新資訊,歡迎訂閱最新消息。

Waymo Driver


Waymo Driver 自動駕駛技術的設計宗旨,是要讓人們享有自由新體驗,隨時前往想去的地點,又不必面對開車時會遇到的困擾和問題。



如果不能保障行車安全,自動駕駛車輛就沒有任何意義。我們的首要之務,就是確保 Waymo Driver 的乘客與其他用路人都能安全無虞。
Waymo One 乘客

Our mission: Be the world’s most trusted driver

At Waymo, we believe the status quo is not acceptable. Our mission is to innovate beyond the impossible in order to save lives that are tragically lost to traffic crashes. We are driven to provide inclusive mobility that offers freedom of movement for all, working with our partners and communities to create an ecosystem that is sustainable, efficient, and audacious. We are passionate about improving the state of our planet to make it better than we found it.